Downloads Grand River Information Network

Interested in downloading GRCA data for analysis, charts, or making a map? We provide a variety of datasets, models, and static maps for download.

geospatial downloads

Geospatial Download

GRCA maintains a collection of data layers for its Geographic Information System (GIS). You can download over 50 layers of data directly from our data catalogue. [Photo Credit: Jie Huang with permission]

monitoring downloads

Monitoring Download

We constantly monitor stream flow, water quality, meteorological conditions, and operational conditions at GRCA dams. This information is collected and transmitted from each station to GRCA's Operations Centre in Cambridge, Ontario once an hour.

other downloads

Other Download

This is where the downloadable items that don't have a home elsewhere all live. Large scale PDF maps of the watershed, Groundwater models, and other items can be found here. [Photo Credit: Philippe Put CC-BY-2.0]